Reach out to Yana Feldman ( and Zoe Gastelum ( if you're interested in attending the International Safeguards Technical Division’s Open Source and Geospatial Information Working Group technical exchange over Skype! See details below...
On March 12th, 2020, at 0800 Pacific Time* / 1600 Central European Time, the INMM International Safeguards Technical Division’s Open Source and Geospatial Information working group will host a 90-minute spring technical exchange over Skype. This exchange is open to all working group members and interested researchers to share brief (10 minute) updates on their research related to working with open source and geospatial information, and to discuss upcoming events, recent publications, or other potential interests to the working group. We hope that this forum will allow our research community to discuss their ideas for INMM Annual Meeting papers or sessions, describe works-in-progress not yet ready for publication, offer a first-look at forthcoming papers or presentations within our friendly, international expert audience, as well as seek out potential collaborators. For coordination purposes, we ask that presenters send a one-to-three sentence description of the research they would like to present to and by February 15th. Details on how to connect to the Skype meeting will be sent out shortly. We’d like to ask that all participants respond to the forthcoming meeting request so that we can track participation numbers. We look forward to hearing about your latest research accomplishments! Regards, Yana Feldman and Zoe Gastelum INMM OSGI WG Co-Chairs * Note the start of Daylight Savings Time in the U.S. on March 8, 2020.